Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Essential advice for young athletes from certified sports dietitians

Are you a young athlete? If the answer is YES, then one of your top priorities is improving your performance level and maintaining it. Also, you have to remain careful against getting injuries on-field and during practice sessions. You can follow some essential advice from good sports dietitians. Continue reading. 


Include nuts and seeds


One of the crucial things for any athlete is to stay energized. A sports dietitian working for Dietitian Fit would advise you to include nuts and seeds in a balanced diet to stay energized. Your body gains strength. 


Drink more water


Any experienced sports dietitian will tell you to drink more water. If you want not to compromise your athletic activities and performance levels, it is essential to stay hydrated. There should not be any laxity. You usually lose a lot of sweat in the practice sessions. Hence, drinking more water is the wisest thing you can do.


Considering protein supplements strategically


You have to consider having protein supplements only after consulting a top-rated dietitian as an athlete. Do not experiment based on what you know. Seeking suggestions from a professional is a more intelligent step. Also, keep in mind that it is not mandatory to have protein supplements in every practice schedule or regularly. 


Eat healthy carbs 


Carbs are not disadvantageous always. There are healthy carbs, too. An expert dietitian will advise you to eat healthy carbs regularly to keep the muscles flexible and strong. You usually get fast-acting carbs from whole grains and fresh fruits. 


Know more about nutritional needs


It is not your only duty to strictly follow a balanced diet as an athlete. You must also be interested in knowing more details about your body’s nutritional requirements. Talk to your dietitian. A good professional will explain the nutritional facts to you. 


Working on nutrient deficiency


In some cases, your body might be affected by nutrient deficiency. You have to work on it. The dietitian will plan a balanced diet accordingly. For example, if your body suffers from iron deficiency, the diet will have food that compensates for the lack. 


Larger meals and frequent snacking do the trick.


Athletes need to remain energized always. To avoid fatigue, it is vital to have larger meals. Also, go for more frequent snacking. The eating patterns should help the athlete to cover the protein requirements in a balanced way nicely.


Focus on foods that have unsaturated fats


Fats are suitable for an athlete’s body if they are unsaturated. So, it makes sense to include food items that have unsaturated fats. Nuts and fishes have ample amounts of unsaturated fats. Your diet should have the items. 

Chalk out the diet plan by talking to an expert


The logical step is to talk to an experienced dietitian to determine a balanced diet that suits your body and athletic activities. There should be some room for changes. It is crucial to interact with the dietitian regularly. You can be sure of fulfilling your daily nutritional needs.


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