Friday 8 July 2022

9 Tips From An Experienced PCOS Dietician

PCOS is the abbreviated term for polycystic ovary syndrome, and it happens to be the most common endocrine disorder experienced by females. The problem with this disease is that it’s incurable but manageable. However, to get a hold of the situation, you need to introduce specific changes to your lifestyle and diet. Women suffering from this disorder usually have to adhere to a strict diet regime that their nutritionists, dietitians, or doctors customize for them. While you should stick to the guidelines specified by specialists, the following rules may help you further.


  1. Avoid processed foods: As mentioned above, a PCOS dietician from Dietitian Fit & Co will create a diet chart for you specifically. Nonetheless, you have to stay away from specific foods, such as sugar, white flour, pasta, and bread. Instead, you should consume gluten-free grains, such as brown rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa, and amaranth.


  1. Increase fibre intake: Your PCOS dietician will surely ask you to eat more fibrous foods. After all, this substance can slow down the digestion rate, which, in turn, reduces the possibility of insulin resistance.


  1. Water intake: People with this disease should make it a habit to drink at least two litres of water per day. If you don’t feel like drinking so much water, add flavour to it via cut-up fresh fruits, such as cucumber, citrus, berries, or mint.


  1. Avoid refined sugar: If you hope to win the war against this disease, you must avoid foods containing simple carbohydrates, such as high-fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, artificial colours, artificial sweeteners, trans-fats, MSG, and high saturated fats.


5.      Not many ingredients: You can eat packaged food items, but only the ones with five or fewer all-natural ingredients. Any packaged food product containing numerous ingredients tends to pass through several bouts of processing.


  1. Reduce alcohol consumption: Alcohol can be an indulgence, but for women with PCOS, it shouldn’t be a regular one. You can drink what you like, but only occasionally. One glass of red wine shouldn’t cause problems, but things will go downhill from the next glass onwards.


  1. Eat more yet less: Indeed, you should increase the number of meals you consume per day, but you have to reduce the quantity of the stuff that you eat. In other words, you should take small meals every three to four hours to avoid blood sugar spiking.


  1. Balancing the nutrients: You must combine one source of complex carbohydrates with one source of lean protein at every meal or snack. For instance, one slice of turkey and a few nuts with a half of a banana. You can also eat one small piece of cheese with yogurt.


  1. Carry them: Whether you go out for work or leisure, you should pack your lunches. Don’t forget to add snacks to ensure you have the healthiest choices at your disposal at all times. You should also avoid eating whatever you can get your hands on simply because you’re starving.


It’ll last


Yes, it’ll be a lie to say PCOS will pass with time. You have to acknowledge it and believe that this condition will be a lifelong partner. There aren’t any medicines available for this problem, and the best doctors won’t be able to cure it. However, the routine prescribed to you by a nutritionist will ensure that you can make it your friend and live with it. You also have to make specific lifestyle-related changes. 


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