Friday 29 July 2022

Best Beverages Suggested By A PCOS Nutritionist

One common problem experienced by almost every patient with polycystic ovary syndrome is that they can’t drink anything other than water. However, you have several options at your disposal that you’re probably unaware of. According to the Institute of Medicine, the average adult woman should take nine cups of fluid every day. Then again, just like food, not every beverage possesses the same qualities in terms of taste and, more importantly, health. In reality, a few beverages can improve your condition, and you won’t even have to feel bored of drinking only water all day.


Coffee: A PCOS nutritionist from Dietitian Fit & Co will suggest fulfilling your daily intake of fluids with water. However, they don’t shy away from allowing their patients to enjoy a cup or two of Joe. Studies prove that consuming caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee in moderate quantities can reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes and insulin resistance in young and middle-aged women.


  1. Tea: If you’re a resident of the UK, you should take what the natives take – tea. A PCOS nutritionist won’t stop you from scheduling a regular teatime in your day, as long as you avoid sugar or use low quantities of it. Studies prove that consuming tea, hot and iced, can improve the symptoms of this condition. Spearmint tea, for instance, showcases anti-androgen effects in patients and reduces testosterone production.


  1. Smoothies: Smoothies will keep you hydrated and allow your taste buds to savour mouth-watering tastes. Depending on what you use to prepare your smoothies, you can incorporate several nutrients that’ll help you in your war against polycystic ovary syndrome. Your dietician can share several fulfilling smoothie recipes with you if you ask them. Many of these include using vegetables, fruits, chia seeds, cinnamon, nut butter, and vanilla. The internet can also oblige.


  1. Seltzer water: Maybe you only need a bit of fizz in your water to alleviate the boredom. If that’s the case, seltzer water can be the perfect solution. Seltzer water is like regular water but carbonated. However, you should avoid fizzy flavoured beverages containing artificial sweeteners, as they can affect gut health severely. You can do something better – infuse your sparkling water with slices of lemon or orange, mint, or cucumbers.


  1. Red wine: You probably didn’t expect red wine to be part of this list, but it is. Red wine contains antioxidants that can help you eliminate oxidative stress. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit patients suffering from this condition. Resveratrol is an antioxidant present in the skin of berries, grapes, and even red wine that can encourage results in hormone balance restoration.




As you can see, you have a few incredible choices in terms of beverages. Living with polycystic ovary syndrome isn’t easy. Only those who suffer from it know what they have to deal with every day. However, even with a restricted diet, you can enjoy these beverages. They’ll prevent you from drinking only water all day to maintain hydration. If you visit a certified dietician, they may have several other options for you.


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