Saturday 30 July 2022

Let A Cancer Nutritionist Help You Eat When You Can’t

Are you having trouble eating? Most people experience this issue when they undergo cancer treatment, particularly during the chemotherapy period. If you’re dealing with the same issue, this write-up may prove useful. The absence of appetite is one of the most common side effects experienced by patients, and can sprout from various factors, including the condition itself, its treatment methods, specific medicines, nausea, constipation, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. It’s challenging for patients to eat enough food to meet the body’s energy requirements. Nonetheless, you can’t avoid eating, and the following strategies will help.

Schedule your meals: If you need to see a Cancer nutritionist from Dietitian Fit & Co, it’s clear that your appetite is unreliable right now. Waiting for your body to tell you to eat will prevent you from consuming enough food to support the recovery and healing procedures. That’s why you should set aside time for meals daily as part of your personal care routine. Begin with four smaller meals while planning your meal times realistically. You should also consider how long it takes you to finish eating.


  1. Concentrate your calories: Another method suggested by a Cancer nutritionist involves concentrating the calories in foods. It means you can consume a smaller portion of food with the same calorific value. You have to make sure that you add various types of fats to your meals and pay attention to the items that’ll fill you up without providing the calories you require. For instance, you should eat full-fat dairy instead of no-fat. Add mild oils or creams to foods you like, such as oatmeal and soups.


  1. Include protein: When you get enough protein and the appropriate amount of calories, you can tolerate the side effects of cancer treatment. Protein helps you maintain strength and supports the immune system. The amount of protein you need will depend on specific factors, though. These include your weight, height, activity level, and treatment type. So, you shouldn’t hesitate to indulge in some form of protein whenever you eat. The best sources include eggs, cheese, nuts, meats, dairy products, and protein powder.


  1. Calorie-rich beverages: When chewing becomes disgusting and fatigue sets in, you should try drinking your meals instead of eating them. You can consume a combination of drinks to help meet your requirements. Suggestions include fruit-based smoothies made with nut butter or milkshakes with full-fat ice cream. You may also try ready-to-drink nutrition supplement drinks and even blended soups with added calories and protein.

Other fluids

It’s better to drink low to no-calorie fluids between means. Any fluid, including water, can give you a feeling of fullness. If you drink enough liquids with your meals, consider saving the beverages between your meals. After all, hydration is crucial. In doing so, you can save enough room in your stomach for foods or high-calorie or protein drinks that provide the nourishment you need. If you need more information, you should get in touch with a dietitian excelling in catering to cancer patients.

Friday 29 July 2022

Best Beverages Suggested By A PCOS Nutritionist

One common problem experienced by almost every patient with polycystic ovary syndrome is that they can’t drink anything other than water. However, you have several options at your disposal that you’re probably unaware of. According to the Institute of Medicine, the average adult woman should take nine cups of fluid every day. Then again, just like food, not every beverage possesses the same qualities in terms of taste and, more importantly, health. In reality, a few beverages can improve your condition, and you won’t even have to feel bored of drinking only water all day.


Coffee: A PCOS nutritionist from Dietitian Fit & Co will suggest fulfilling your daily intake of fluids with water. However, they don’t shy away from allowing their patients to enjoy a cup or two of Joe. Studies prove that consuming caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee in moderate quantities can reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes and insulin resistance in young and middle-aged women.


  1. Tea: If you’re a resident of the UK, you should take what the natives take – tea. A PCOS nutritionist won’t stop you from scheduling a regular teatime in your day, as long as you avoid sugar or use low quantities of it. Studies prove that consuming tea, hot and iced, can improve the symptoms of this condition. Spearmint tea, for instance, showcases anti-androgen effects in patients and reduces testosterone production.


  1. Smoothies: Smoothies will keep you hydrated and allow your taste buds to savour mouth-watering tastes. Depending on what you use to prepare your smoothies, you can incorporate several nutrients that’ll help you in your war against polycystic ovary syndrome. Your dietician can share several fulfilling smoothie recipes with you if you ask them. Many of these include using vegetables, fruits, chia seeds, cinnamon, nut butter, and vanilla. The internet can also oblige.


  1. Seltzer water: Maybe you only need a bit of fizz in your water to alleviate the boredom. If that’s the case, seltzer water can be the perfect solution. Seltzer water is like regular water but carbonated. However, you should avoid fizzy flavoured beverages containing artificial sweeteners, as they can affect gut health severely. You can do something better – infuse your sparkling water with slices of lemon or orange, mint, or cucumbers.


  1. Red wine: You probably didn’t expect red wine to be part of this list, but it is. Red wine contains antioxidants that can help you eliminate oxidative stress. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit patients suffering from this condition. Resveratrol is an antioxidant present in the skin of berries, grapes, and even red wine that can encourage results in hormone balance restoration.




As you can see, you have a few incredible choices in terms of beverages. Living with polycystic ovary syndrome isn’t easy. Only those who suffer from it know what they have to deal with every day. However, even with a restricted diet, you can enjoy these beverages. They’ll prevent you from drinking only water all day to maintain hydration. If you visit a certified dietician, they may have several other options for you.

Tuesday 26 July 2022

4 At-Home Constipation Remedies For Babies From A Child Nutritionist

Has it been longer than usual since you changed your baby’s diaper? Is your baby currently showing signs of discomfort and pain? If you answer “yes” to both questions, you should know that your kid suffers from constipation. Paediatric dieticians get pummelled by questions from parents regarding how they can eliminate baby constipation without resorting to medicines. Perhaps you’d want to do the same thing – reduce and eventually remove constipation without drugs. Here you’ll find a few tried-and-tested techniques suggested by some of the best paediatric dieticians around the world.


  1. Begin with liquids: According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, babies should take 1 oz of 100% pear or apple fruit juice for every month of life. The child nutritionist from Dietitian Fit & Co also suggests the same. For instance, a three-month-old can consume up to 3 oz of juice per day to get relief from constipation. However, it’s better to offer a small amount of juice at a time, such as 1 or 2 oz instead of the entire amount at once. In terms of water, babies below six months don’t need it separately. They get all the fluids they need from breast milk and formula.


  1. Diet alterations: Every child nutritionist is perfectly aware that a baby likes to eat bananas and rice cereals. They also know that these two substances can “bind” a baby and harden their stool. As a result, constipation happens. Paediatric dieticians always suggest adhering to a low-fibre diet for kids. They should take easy-to-digest food items, such as fruit purees and vegetables. You shouldn’t worry if your baby eats solid food items, though. Dieticians will never suggest anything that isn’t baby-friendly. Pureed prunes or peas can be excellent add-ons to the menu, but avoid overdoing it with the prunes.


  1. Physical exercise: Both adults and toddlers must keep active because it gets the gastrointestinal system moving. Before you realize it, your little one will start running around the house, and you’ll be huffing and puffing to keep up. So, the real question is – how should a baby get exercise before they learn to walk? You can do it by laying your baby on their back and moving their legs in a bicycle motion. This simple exercise can stimulate bowel movements.


  1. Baby massage: Massaging an infant can be highly advantageous. It calms them down when they become fussy, sick, or teething. It can also improve constipation conditions. Baby massage is an effective remedy for constipation, and more so than medication. Maybe you don’t know how to do it or feel scared thinking you’ll hurt them instead of soothing them. Well, the process is straightforward. You only need to rub their legs, feet, arms, head, and tummy. You should make it part of their daily routine. It’ll help them relax for naps.


Final considerations


Unfortunately, the natural remedies described above may not work every time. It’s also worth mentioning that constipation can be severe to babies and adults alike. If you notice signs like the presence of blood in the stool, vomiting, swollen belly, and instances of pain, you should take your child to a paediatric dietician immediately. When the procedures described here don’t work, the obvious choices include using baby laxatives or glycerine suppositories.

Monday 11 July 2022

A Vegan Nutritionist Explains How To Get All Nutrients From A Vegan Diet

If you want to become a vegan, you’ll have to stop eating all forms of animal products, including eggs, dairy, and meat. You won’t eat anything that comes from animals, including honey and gelatine. For many individuals, veganism isn’t just about adhering to food choices. It’s also about wellbeing, environmental betterment, and becoming ethical. Those who follow veganism strictly avoid every product containing even traces of animal elements. They avoid using substances like fur, leather, wool, or silk. They also stop using specific cosmetics and soaps.


  1. Iron: Now, the most difficult aspect of veganism is that it’s challenging to consume the right food items containing the appropriate minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. That’s why you should contact a vegan nutritionist at Dietitian Fit & Co to help you select what you need. Iron, for instance, plays a crucial role in RBC production. You can get it from beans, broccoli, wheat, raisings, and tofu. You mustn’t forget to take vitamin C because you’ll need it to digest iron acquired from non-meat sources of this mineral.


  1. Protein: For protein, a vegan nutritionist suggests consuming peanut butter, nuts, grains, seeds, and legumes. Among non-animal food sources, soymilk and tofu can satisfy your body’s protein requirements. You shouldn’t make the mistake of avoiding protein as it’s a crucial component for every part of your body. Your bones, muscles, skin, and organs need it to stay healthy. They provide amino acids – the building blocks of protein.


  1. Calcium: You probably know the importance of calcium that strengthens the bones and prevents the possibility of suffering from osteoporosis. This disease weakens the bones and makes them brittle. When it’s about the best sources of calcium, you should consume broccoli, bok choy, leafy greens, kale, and fortified soymilk. Calcium supplements are also available. You can take them if you need them.


  1. Vitamin D: This substance plays an equally crucial role in bone health as calcium. In reality, it helps the body absorb the substance, which, in turn, promotes bone enhancement. Your body will generate a small quantity of vitamin D when you go out in the sun. You need at least ten minutes of sun exposure three to four times a week for the best results. Depending on where you reside, the amount of vitamin D produced by your body via sun exposure should be enough to fulfil your requirements.


  1. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is what you need to produce RBCs and prevent anaemia. This substance is primarily available in fish, meat, dairy products, and shellfish. Unfortunately, veganism doesn’t support eating these food items. However, you have other options to explore, including vitamin-fortified cereals and soymilk.


Other nutrients


Other than the nutrients mentioned above, you’ll need zinc that you can get from nuts, beans, and soy products. You’ll also require omega-3 fatty acids that improve brain function and heart health. Oil and flaxseed meals are excellent sources of omega-3. However, finding an appropriate plant source containing omega-3 can be problematic. Your dietitian should be able to tell you what to eat. Also, avoid taking omega-3 supplements because they usually have fish oil.

Friday 8 July 2022

9 Tips From An Experienced PCOS Dietician

PCOS is the abbreviated term for polycystic ovary syndrome, and it happens to be the most common endocrine disorder experienced by females. The problem with this disease is that it’s incurable but manageable. However, to get a hold of the situation, you need to introduce specific changes to your lifestyle and diet. Women suffering from this disorder usually have to adhere to a strict diet regime that their nutritionists, dietitians, or doctors customize for them. While you should stick to the guidelines specified by specialists, the following rules may help you further.


  1. Avoid processed foods: As mentioned above, a PCOS dietician from Dietitian Fit & Co will create a diet chart for you specifically. Nonetheless, you have to stay away from specific foods, such as sugar, white flour, pasta, and bread. Instead, you should consume gluten-free grains, such as brown rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa, and amaranth.


  1. Increase fibre intake: Your PCOS dietician will surely ask you to eat more fibrous foods. After all, this substance can slow down the digestion rate, which, in turn, reduces the possibility of insulin resistance.


  1. Water intake: People with this disease should make it a habit to drink at least two litres of water per day. If you don’t feel like drinking so much water, add flavour to it via cut-up fresh fruits, such as cucumber, citrus, berries, or mint.


  1. Avoid refined sugar: If you hope to win the war against this disease, you must avoid foods containing simple carbohydrates, such as high-fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, artificial colours, artificial sweeteners, trans-fats, MSG, and high saturated fats.


5.      Not many ingredients: You can eat packaged food items, but only the ones with five or fewer all-natural ingredients. Any packaged food product containing numerous ingredients tends to pass through several bouts of processing.


  1. Reduce alcohol consumption: Alcohol can be an indulgence, but for women with PCOS, it shouldn’t be a regular one. You can drink what you like, but only occasionally. One glass of red wine shouldn’t cause problems, but things will go downhill from the next glass onwards.


  1. Eat more yet less: Indeed, you should increase the number of meals you consume per day, but you have to reduce the quantity of the stuff that you eat. In other words, you should take small meals every three to four hours to avoid blood sugar spiking.


  1. Balancing the nutrients: You must combine one source of complex carbohydrates with one source of lean protein at every meal or snack. For instance, one slice of turkey and a few nuts with a half of a banana. You can also eat one small piece of cheese with yogurt.


  1. Carry them: Whether you go out for work or leisure, you should pack your lunches. Don’t forget to add snacks to ensure you have the healthiest choices at your disposal at all times. You should also avoid eating whatever you can get your hands on simply because you’re starving.


It’ll last


Yes, it’ll be a lie to say PCOS will pass with time. You have to acknowledge it and believe that this condition will be a lifelong partner. There aren’t any medicines available for this problem, and the best doctors won’t be able to cure it. However, the routine prescribed to you by a nutritionist will ensure that you can make it your friend and live with it. You also have to make specific lifestyle-related changes. 

Saturday 2 July 2022

Top foods that a vegan diet should include

A vegan diet means there should not be any food sourced from animals. A vegan diet is more ethical. Also, it has tremendous health benefits. It is a better idea to seek expert help from an experienced nutritionist to design the diet. You will get proper guidance from him. What are the top foods in a vegan diet? Here is a list of foods you can consider. 




There should be no trace of doubts that a vegan diet should include ample legumes. A reliable and certified vegan nutritionist will include lentils and peas in your balanced diet. Legumes are excellent sources of iron, folate, zinc, antioxidants and lots of other essential nutrients. It is advised to consume legumes as a combination of food that has rich vitamin C content. In this way, you can extract maximum benefits from legumes. 


Nuts and nut butter


Since it is a vegan diet, you can’t eat butter manufactured from milk. But you can certainly have butter made from nuts. Also, a reliable vegan nutritionist includes nuts in your balanced diet plan, providing a rich flow of antioxidants. Antioxidants are effective in strengthening your muscles. You also feel more energised.


Hemp and chia seeds


If you are interested in experimenting with unconventional yet healthy food items in your dietary plan, then go for hemp and chia seeds. These are powerhouses of proteins. Also, such foods are effective in reducing inflammation. In some cases, they can improve your skin health. 




People search for meat substitutes while following a vegan diet. You would be glad to know that tofu is such an excellent substitute. It is expertly processed from soya beans. A reputable dietitian will always include tofu in your dietary plan. Tofu has a distinctive flavour. You can have the food in sautéed or grilled forms. 


Plant milks 


There are specific milks processed from plants that you can have. The dietitian will talk to you about it. For example, you can have almond milk regularly. It has an enjoyable taste. Moreover, there are yoghurt products processed from plant milk. You may have it in your diet. 




In some cases, an experienced vegan nutritionist insists on including seaweed in the dietary plan. Seaweed is a powerhouse of DHA. It is an essential fatty acid with multiple health benefits. There are lots of nutrients in seaweed. It helps in modulating a wide range of body functions. 


Whole grains


Whole grains play a significant role in a balanced vegan diet. They are loaded with lots of essential nutrients such as carbs and fibre. They contain the Vitamin-B family. Whole grains are also rich in magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Quinoa is a good example of whole grains. 


Talk to a dietitian about your vegan diet


It is practical to discuss the various aspects of your vegan diet with an expert who has many years of experience. Also, ensure he/she has the required certifications to assess your conditions and provide a personalised dietary plan. If you have any doubts, feel free to place your queries. 

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